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Urban Developement Zone* – EC’Eau Port

The site is located between the Oise River and the railroad tracks that serve the nearby train station. These physical obstacles give it an elongated shape that facilitates the landscape perception of the entire project.

The strength of this emerging neighborhood is remarkable. The Oise River is visually accessible thanks to the creation of a planted quay. It preserves the biodiversity associated with it. While been located on a formerly polluted site, the project meets the qualitative expectations of users by planting continuous networks that preserves biodiversity.

In the heart of the neighborhood, a large harbor (90 boat spaces) will be created and allow a contemporary experience of the rivers banks.

Car traffic located in the northern part of the project, but also in the heart of the block, allowing the entire public roadway to be opened to a shared area without cars.

 Concerning the previous activities on the site, the polluted substrates are upgraded, in agreement with the preliminary studies carried out as part of the project.  They will be reused as part of an acoustic barrier that mitigates the issues related to the railway tracks. Finally, in a new urbanism, spaces for residents, parking lots and living spaces are mixed in the same block. This principle allows to create a soft traffic, which is remarkable throughout the project. It creates an environment for the development of users, fauna and flora.

*ZAC: Zone d’aménagement concerté. It refers to the public urban planning operations whose purpose is to carry out the development and equipment of building land.