The landscape of Risle Valley is an important component in the exterior design of the Rugles EHPAD*. Within the commune, two major public spaces stand out:
– A remarkable planted alley adjoins the site and gives a framed perspective on the establishment;
– A planted park located in the Risle right-of-way and linked to the city center.
The EHPAD site appears to be one of the missing links between these two entities. The objective of this project is to create a continuity that will link all the communal spaces while enhancing the interior landscape.It is around this remarkable landscape that our project is set up. Three entities emerge in the project of the park’s exterior arrangements. Each of the entities seeks to integrate into this landscape by enhancing the views, creating continuity or opening up to the river (La Risle).
The reception mall and the conservatory garden form the public space of the EHPAD park, while the observatory garden will be particularly dedicated to the residents.
EHPAD*: Établissement d’hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes. Establishment of accommodation for dependent old persons / residential care home.