Petit-Quevilly is a municipality of 22,000 inhabitants situated in the western side of Rouen (Seine-Maritime). Divided into two by the Sud III (expressway) in the 1990s, the historical part of the town has been left aside.The abandonment of a 3 ha site by the Arcelor Mittal factory and the relocation of the municipal technical center, which released 2.3 ha, led the municipality to set up a ZAC*. In this very heterogeneous urban fabric, the first objective of the designer was to give back a urban coherence by relying on emblematic buildings (City Hall, Astrolabe room, Saint-Pierre Church, Schools…).
The project creates a pedestrian and bicycle path in the center of Petit Quevilly, 4 meters wide and 680 meters long, which link the public spaces (park, square, places etc.)
A 7,500 m² park has already been built as part of phase 1 of the construction (2018). It allows the storage of rainwater from the adjoining blocks. A 2,200 m² square, built in 2019, completes the design. Other related public spaces will be created as the project goes on. At the end of the project (2022), the ZAC will have around 500 housing units.
*ZAC: Zone d’aménagement concerté. It refers to the public urban planning operations whose purpose is to carry out the development and equipment of building land.