The town hall and the Church of Guitrancourt (Yvelines) had several areas without links, an urban disorder amplified by a soft terrain. From these absurd and unconvincing spaces, the project’s bias allowed the assembly through the recognition of functions: the atrium of the church, the town hall square and the park.
A demanding topography predominates on the project. To the right of the town hall, a clear break of the terrain allowed to formalize a space, the square facilitates breaks and meetings, and a large stepping connects the spaces within them.
The natural park, in the upper side contrasts with the mineral side of the square. Comfortable steps links the park to the church while providing the necessary access for people with disabilities. To reinforce the Ariadne’s thread and join the spaces, a Corten steel ‘accodrain’ underlines the upper part of the steps allowing rainwater to be stored. A playground and an infiltrating parking complete the system.